Morning Show

Mi, 15.05.  |  6:00-10:00  |  FM4
Getting up with someone who cares. Dein unterhaltsamer Start in den Tag mit Gästen, Spielen, Comedy, aktuellen Themen und News in Englisch und Deutsch.

The FM4 Morning Show with Stuart Freeman and Dalia AhmedAustria’s president Alexander Van der Bellen dropped by at the FM4 studios! We talked to him about the upcoming EU elections. If you don’t know who to vote for the Wahlrechner might be of help, a tool to help you make up your mind. It’s online now and we had a look at it. We’ll also be talking about the opening of the Cannes Film Festival and have lots of great news about upcoming concerts! Really great still secret news! Tune in, babies!

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